Life-long game show nerd. Kicked ass on the Chase. Philanthropist via the 24-Hour Game Show Marathon. Founded this website twice. “Cory’s just a kid, a freshman at Philadelphia’s La Salle University, but he loves game shows, old-school or not. In fact, he runs ‘Buzzer,’ one of the larger game show blogs on the Web.” —Ken Jennings, Brainiac

Wheel of Fortune Grinches Woman Out Of Car Over Very Stupid Rule
Did you know you can say the Bonus Round answer and still lose?

First Impressions: Legends of the Hidden Temple
The CW's attempt to bring back the show seems to be faithful to the original in a lot of ways.

Supermarket Sweep Season 2: Unapologetic
ABC's made some small changes to Supermarket Sweep for its second season, but amped up its signature elements.

Scott Stone on Quibi, Cristela and Temple Guards
Cory sits down with Legends EP Scott Stone to talk about the upcoming CW revival.

Tic Tac Dough Revival In The Works at NBCUniversal
The pilot is being hosted by Tom Bergeron and its EP is Harry Friedman.

Mayim Bialik and Ken Jennings Will Host Jeopardy! Through 2021
No permanent successor to Mike Richards (lmao) has been named yet.

EXCLUSIVE: Check Out Supermarket Sweep’s Season 2 Key Art
ABC's given BuzzerBlog first look at Leslie on the throne.

First Impressions: Frogger
A strong vision of a theme elevates this obstacle course above average.

Supermarket Sweep Returns to ABC September 26
ABC's hearing the beep for a second season.

20 Years Ago Today, A Suspicious Millionaire Was Crowned
Major Charles Ingram won the UK's Who Wants to be a Millionaire—but did he?