Life-long game show nerd. Kicked ass on the Chase. Philanthropist via the 24-Hour Game Show Marathon. Founded this website twice. “Cory’s just a kid, a freshman at Philadelphia’s La Salle University, but he loves game shows, old-school or not. In fact, he runs ‘Buzzer,’ one of the larger game show blogs on the Web.” —Ken Jennings, Brainiac

Wheel of Fortune Uses Puzzle With Racist History
A seemingly innocent child's nursery rhyme has a dark history that the popular show seems unaware of.

Wheel of Fortune’s Getting A New Puzzle Board That Uses Frickin’ Laser Beams
A new interview from Bill Monk talks about the lasers that power the new puzzle board.

Test Your Trivia Mettle At SporcleCon 2022
The trivia convention will be hosted by Jeopardy! superchampion Austin Rogers.

How The Final Straw Came To Life
Executive Producer Keith Geller, Art Director Mike Carney and Prop Master Richard "Augi" Maher talk to Cory about ABC's perilous stacks.

Take An Exclusive Sneak Peek at ABC’s The Final Straw
The topsy-turvy towers sprout up on ABC this Sunday.

What Is The Best Video Game Adaptation of a Game Show?
A delusional Cory Anotado makes a bold claim to the title of Best Game Show Video Game.

Take A Game Show Bootcamp With Drill Sergeants Holzhauer and Rutter
The weekend event takes place in August in Las Vegas.

GSN Enters NFT Space with Charles Nelson Reilly NFT Collection
Following in the footsteps of game show crypto visionaries like Steve Harvey and Richard Karn, Fremantle bets big on NFTs.

EXCLUSIVE: Let’s Make A Deal Premieres New Game March 15
Speed Lock is the first new game LMaD has premiered in 2 years.

The Day I Ate A Sandwich, Cracked A Joke, and Lost On Jeopardy! Again
A first-hand account of game shows in the time of COVID.