FOXX ON FOX December 19, 2024

Beat Shazam Returning For 8th Season

Casting notices are being sent around for another season of the FOX music quiz.

Sources are telling BuzzerBlog that Fox is bringing Beat Shazam back for another season, its 8th, to premiere in 2025. Filming will take place once again in Ireland, in March 2025. If past patterns are any indication, Season 8 should premiere sometime in May-June 2025.

A now-deleted post on the Game Show subreddit solicited potential players who ā€œare a music fanaticā€ and ā€œhave the perfect teammate in their lifeā€ to get referred to a casting producer. The post was removed at the request of an executive producer on the show. Other sources tell us that the casting directors are looking for ā€œspecialty teamsā€ that share things in common other than friends or parents/siblingsā€”grandparent/grandchild is good, as is nurses or military personnel teams.

This image has been censored to protect identifying information.

Beat Shazam has been a success for Foxā€”while numbers have dipped in their last season, episodes still average more than 1.1 million viewers, which is great considering no one in season 7 won the jackpot prize. Jamie Foxx, absent from season 6 due to illness, returned last season and should presumably return for Season 8.