Watch the Most Painful Whammy Ever from Last Night’s Press Your Luck
Check out one of the most exciting and painful moments in recent game show history.
Press Your Luck has dangled a million dollar jackpot in front of the faces of contestants for the last four years. Several have come close but none closer than Zachary Flax. Through incredible fortune he entered the final part of the bonus round, the Big Bucks Bonanza, with over $420,000 in cash and prizes. With any single spin at that point getting him to the $500,000 target, making him an instant millionaire, he gambled it all. Unfortunately it didn’t work out and his second spin of the round gave Zach the distinction of arguably the most painful Whammy in Press Your Luck history and one of the biggest losses in game show history.
First of all: Press Your Luck is the best game show on television by far. Second: we’re getting closer and closer to the million dollar win. Someone will definitely be hitting it at some point…so many people have been so close! Keep watching Press Your Luck Thursdays at 8:00PM ET on ABC to see who will be the first.