It’s Premiere Week!
Let's Make A Deal! Price! Wheel! Jeopardy! You Bet Your Life! All New!
It’s the start of the 2021 game show season! 2020 was a rough season for games due to the pandemic but each show adapted and put on some of the best episodes they’ve ever done. The 2021 season looks to be just as exciting, with each show making some pretty sizable updates. Plus we’ve got a brand new game starting today! It’s one of the most exciting premiere weeks we’ve seen in a while. Check out what to expect below!
*Let’s Make A Deal: The 13th season of Let’s Make A Deal starts today on CBS (check your local listings). The show seems to be continuing the improv dinner theater atmosphere of season 12, with a smaller audience and at-home players. It worked brilliantly last year so I’m glad to see what continued. The new season will feature two new weekly specials: Mega Money Mondays and Fabulous Car Fridays. Expect to see some big money and exciting cars on those days.
*The Price is Right: The 50th season of the iconic game show kicks off this afternoon on CBS. We’ve already discussed a few things you can expect to see so check out our news archive. But to highlight a few: audiences are back! There’s a new game called “Back to ’72”! It looks like the game “Penny Ante” is coming back in an updated form! Every day this week one contestant will get a chance to win up to $1,000,000 on a pricing game as well.
*Jeopardy!: Um, a lot happened with Jeopardy! the past few months so unless you’re living under a rock you know that entire thing. But champion Matt Amodio returns today to go for his 19th win. Enjoy the preview with a completely absent host!
*Wheel of Fortune: This may be one os the more exciting seasons of Wheel of Fortune in some time. We highlighted a bunch of changes coming a few days ago. Click here to check that out. As a reminder, though, Pat Sajak and Vanna White have re-upped their contracts through 2023-2024. Announcer Jim Thornton will have more on-screen time this year. Sajak’s daughter Maggie will also have increased visibility within the show’s universe as the production’s Social Media Correspondent.
In terms of game play changes: Free Play is being retired and an $850 wedge is being added. A $4,000 bonus will be awarded to anyone getting all three Triple Toss Up puzzles (for a total of $10,000). Pat will no longer be making the Final Spin himself; that will go to the player in control at the time. There’s some presentational items like a refreshed set and the return of the classic Changing Keys theme tune. If that’s not enough there’s also a tournament of some kind happening this year. Lots of changes so be sure to check them all out.
*You Bet Your Life: The 1950s comedy game show You Bet Your Life returns with Jay Leno hosting. From what we’ve seen this will have a lot of the atmosphere of Leno’s The Tonight Show. Bits of his talk show like Headlines will carry over. His bandleader Kevin Eubanks is also serving as sidekick. Gotta be honest…not really sure what to expect with this one so be sure to check your local listings and we’ll let you know what we think later.