Australia Gets Localized Version of BBC’s Pointless Before America
The country, formed as a penal colony, doesn’t even have Amazon Prime shipping benefits yet.
Despite announcing it in a press release in March 2017, with the actual first season having been taped in October 2017, GSN has yet to put their version of the popular, long-running British quiz show Pointless on our television screens. Meanwhile, over on an isolated continent where it gets so hot, the roads actually melt, their Network Ten has announced that their version of Pointless will hit screens at the end of July.
Comedian Mark Humphries will take the role of host, while an actual medical doctor, Dr. Andrew Rochford, and not someone who once played the Banker on Deal or No Deal takes the role of the all-knowing factual sidekick. The Aussie show will only be half an hour long so it looks like the show will only have three teams of two instead of four. Currently unknown is whether losing teams get to return once on the next day’s show to try again or not, nor do we know if the Pointless Jackpot exists and builds or not.
What we do know is that GSN wasted a ton of money creating a whole season of Pointless and is refusing to show it, presumably out of spite, malice or stupidity. Australia will be the the first English-language foreign version of Pointless produced. For some reason, the rest of the world has viewed Pointless as, well, pointless: versions in Italy, Germany, Poland, Switzerland, Croatia and the Netherlands lasted for no longer than 12 months. Only two international versions are still airing: France’s version has been airing since 2011, and Serbia’s since 2014.