Watch: Price is Right Celebrates the 80s with a Double Showcase Winner
Only two days into the new season and The Price is Right has its first giant winner.
I hope you’ve been enjoying this season debut week of The Price is Right as much as we have. Each day the Drew Carey-hosted game celebrates a different decade of the show, from the 70s through the present. Tuesday saw the 80s return to Price. It also saw the first Double Showcase Winner of the season.
Lauren Lumpkin was presented a showcase featuring a smart watch, a Samsung phone, and a Toyota Camry, and bid $25,377. Luckily the actual retail price was $25,410, placing her only $33 away, well within the $250 range to win it all. Lauren ended the day with $70,926 in prizes. Lauren also won a car earlier in the One Away game, so she had a pretty good day.
Check out some highlights above. Today Price celebrates the 90s so watch out.