July 9, 2015
Watch: Unaired BattleBots Qualifying Matches
Check out the robot combat you didn’t get to see on television.
On ABC’s new summer game BattleBots, it was bound to happen that we only got highlights of some matches. They have dozens of fights to get through and only 6 episodes. If you watched the qualifiers, you may have noticed that some fights only got a quick summary video before heading into other action.
As a treat for fans, ABC has uploaded some of the unaired fights so you can get a better picture of how everything went down. First up is Stinger versus Captain Shrederator, and after that is Overdrive versus Chomp. You saw some of these robots fight this past weekend in the round of 16. Check out how they got here.
Stinger vs. Captain Shrederator: Watch
Overdrive vs. Chomp: Watch