Deal or No Deal Launches Offer Button
Lucky contestants may have unprecedented control of their game if they can outsmart the Banker.
Deal or No Deal, entering its tenth year on Channel 4 in the UK, is adding a new twist to the proceedings today. The Noel Edmonds-hosted game is launching the “Offer Button” on today’s program. UK followers can watch on Channel 4, but foreign readers like from the US can watch by clicking the Channel 4 feed at this link (4:00PM UK, 11:00AM ET).
Any contestant who can correctly guess what the Banker’s first Bank Offer, to exit the game, will be gains one-time use of the Offer Button. Whenever the contestant presses the Offer Button during his or her game, the Banker must call and give a cash offer for the contestant’s box. If the contestant uses it wisely, that person may escape a game at the perfect time and take the Banker for tens of thousands.
This is the second alteration to theĀ Deal or No Deal format during the 2014 year. January saw the launch of “Box 23,” which the contestant can buy with his or her winnings at the end of the game with the hopes of doubling or adding Ā£10,000 to the winnings, but could also leave with half or nothing.
Deal was recently renewed through the end of 2015 with an order of 288 additional episodes.